Living in Australia, it makes sense to harness the Sun’s clean, inexhaustible and free supply of energy to heat your hot water.
Rinnai have developed a range of highly efficient solar hot water systems to help you significantly reduce the cost of heating your hot water whilst also reducing your carbon footprint.
Solar systems are actually very simple with roof mounted collectors absorbing the suns energy which in turn heats the water. The hot water is transferred to a dedicated storage tank ready for use.
All Rinnai solar hot water systems come with an electric booster to ensure you will always have hot water no matter what the weather – you can also install an option gas booster if required.
Rinnai Prestige Range – Stainless Steel Roof Mounted
The Rinnai Prestige system is made in Australia and comes in 2 sizes, 330L and 180L to suit any home and budget.
Roof mounted solar hot water is the most efficient type of hot water system and the most reliable as they have no moving parts.
Rinnai Sunmaster Vitreous Enamel Roof Mounted
The Rinnai Sunmaster solar hot water systems uses the same ultra-efficient collectors as the prestige range however the tank is constructed from long life vitreous enamel instead of Stainless Steel.
Rinnai Prestige – Split System
Split system solar hot water systems have collectors on the roof and an Australian made stainless steel tank at ground level.
Rinnai Split Hot water systems are available in a range of sizes to suit every home and budget.
Rinnai Sunmaster – Split System
Split system solar hot water systems have collectors on the roof and a vitreous enamel storage tank at ground level.
Rinnai Split Hot water systems are available in a range of sizes
Rinnai evacuated tube solar hot water systems consist of a number of solar tubes mounted on the roof of your home that collect the heat from the sun and transfer that to a storage tank on the ground.
Evacuated tube systems are available in a range of sizes to suit your home.